Oct 29, 2010

Mexico aims to build record-setting burrito

More than 3,000 people will roll up a 2.7-kilometer (1.7-mile) burrito next month in Mexico, hoping to break the last Guinness World Records-setting mega-morsel by 700 meters (yards).
"Fifty-four restaurants and more than 3,000 people, including cooks and gastronomy students" will prepare the 30-centimeter (12-inch) -wide wrap on November 3, National Chamber of Spicy Food Restaurant Industry president Lorena Hinojosa told reporters.
The current record-holding burrito was made in 2000 in eastern Reynosa, on the US border. It stretched two kilometers (1.25 miles) from end to end.
Hinojosa said the rival burrito will take 12 hours to make, starting at midnight, and will pack three tons of fish, two tons of corn flour, half a ton of beans, 200 kilograms (450 pounds) of butter and 200 kilograms of salt.
Once finished and measured for the record book, the burrito will be sliced up and served to 27,000 awaiting people in the Baja California capital La Paz at no charge, she added.
One of Mexico's traditional fares, the burrito was first put together during the Mexican revolution (1910-1920) in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas.

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